High Schools/Teachers

High Schools and High School Teachers serve as the most important factor in helping prepare our nation’s future workforce. The National High School Graduation Campaign wants to thank them and support their efforts in developing intelligent and successful young women and young men in their communities. The Campaign’s focus on providing more resources to our nation’s high schools is based on developing free community resources and services to provide a nurturing and healthy learning environment for students, teachers and school staff. Below is a list of national and local organizations the Campaign believes can be an access to our schools and have shown the willingness to work with our communities. This list will grow as more organizations join the efforts to help prepare a higher skilled national workforce for the 21st century.



America’s Promise Alliance serves as the guiding force to make children and youth a top national priority. By working with communities to raise graduation rates and provide communications tools, professional development, funding opportunities when available, and opportunities for networking with other communities and America’s Promise Partners. Led by America’s Promise Alliance’s GradNation program, whose mission to is to reach Nation’s goal of a 90 percent graduation rate by 2020, your School District or high School can join the GradNation program and starting a local community group, for more visit their website.
WEBSITE: http://www.americaspromise.org/ PHONE NUMBER: 202.657.0600


ParentEdge is a texting service that connect teachers with their students parents. Once a day parents receive a personalized text message (and email). This message tells them their child’s homework and other important information. The company offers a schools a quarter-long free trail for their student’s parents
WEBSITE: http://www.parentedge.com/  PHONE NUMBER: 313-743-4910



The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy seeks to improve the lives and future prospects of children and families and, in particular, to help ensure that children are born into stable, two-parent families who are committed to and ready for the demanding task of raising the next generation. 
WEBSITE:  https://powertodecide.org/


National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, NCADD: Getting help opens up new doors and opportunities. Confronting alcohol and drug problems in your life gives you and your loved ones the opportunity to experience a healthier and more productive life – to walk a road paved with the support needed and necessary to discover a better way of living. NCADD has a National Network of Affiliates made up of nearly 100 local and state Affiliates across the United States
WEBSITE: http://www.ncadd.org/ PHONE NUMBER: (800)-NCA-CALL or (800) 622-2255


Is your teen in an unhealthy relationship? And they don’t know what to do? Contact Love Is Respect. Loveisrespect is a member of the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline. That offers a 24-hour national Web-based and telephone resource to help teens (ages 13–18) experiencing dating abuse, and is the only helpline in the country serving all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. In addition to the telephone hotline there is also a live chat option, which allows teens to connect to trained peer advocates via the web. loveisrespect peer advocates are trained to offer crisis intervention, advocacy, and information and referrals. WEBSITE: http://www.loveisrespect.org/get-help/support-systems/in-school PHONE NUMBER:  1-866-331-9474 or Text “loveis” to 22522

The National Council for Behavioral Health (National Council) is the unifying voice of America’s community mental health and substance use treatment organizations. Together with our 2,000 + member organizations employing 750,000 staff, we serve our nation’s most vulnerable citizens — more than 8 million adults and children living with mental illnesses and addiction disorders. Visit their website and select the nearest provider in you area. 
WEBSITE: http://www.thenationalcouncil.org/ PHONE NUMBER: 202.684.7457


The National Coalition for the Homeless is a national network of people who are currently experiencing or who have experienced homelessness, activists and advocates, community-based and faith-based service providers, and others committed to a single mission: 
WEBSITE: http://www.nationalhomeless.org/ PHONE NUMBER: 202.462.4822 x234



National Crime Prevention Council: works locally with high schools to develop school-based programs instructing youth in mediating peer conflicts give youth participants the communication, anger management, leadership, and decision-making skills that help them to remain resilient against crime, violence, and substance abuse. WEBSITE:  https://www.ncpc.org/resources/bullying/strategies/strategy-peer-mediation-in-high-schools/    PHONE NUMBER: 202) 466-6272


Safe Schools/Healthy Students Grant: A Comprehensive Approach to Youth Violence Prevention The SS/HS Initiative is a unique Federal grant-making program designed to prevent violence and substance abuse among our Nation’s youth, schools, and communities.
WEBSITE: http://www.sshs.samhsa.gov/




Student Achievement Partners mission is to help parents understand the changes brought by the college and career readiness focus of the Common Core State Standards as a once-in-a-generation opportunity for kids of all backgrounds and ability levels to better fulfill their potential. 
WEBSITE: http://achievethecore.org/


HippoCampus FREE OnlineTutoring Website: HippoCampus.org has the highest-rated Website for assisting students with multiple subject areas because it offers video, audio, and written tutorials, plenty of examples, and interactive options. In particular, HippoCampus is the ideal site for high school students in need of homework help: It covers 10 high school subjects,
WEBSITE: http://www.hippocampus.org/



COLLEGE BOARD: College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the College Board was created to expand access to higher education. Today, the membership association is made up of over 6,000 of the world’s leading educational institutions and is dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education.
WEBSITE: http://www.advocacy.collegeboard.org/ PHONE NUMBER: 212-713-8000


Hispanic Scholarship Fund (HSF) offers community outreach events for ways to get involved using resources such as our workshops, special events, and college retention programs are a great way to see how HSF can be a reference and help local communities, Their free workshops provide bilingual workshops where students and their families receive information about the value and affordability of a college education. In two hour sessions, our bilingual outreach staff covers the essentials of college preparation, the financial aid process, researching scholarship opportunities, and the Expected Family Contribution (EFC). College representatives are usually present and can speak with students and parents about any questions they have regarding admissions.
WEBSITE: https://www.hsf.net/scholarship  PHONE NUMBER: 202.296.5400 or (310)-975-3700

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